Peanut Butter Uses

Peanut Butter has been used in other food products for many years, the widespread use beginning in 1980 with the launch of Reese's Pieces. Since then there has been large development into peanut butter's use in other foodstuffs, some of which include: cake, jam, jelly, confectionary, ice cream, brownies, pretzels, peanut brittle, cookies, porridge and sandwiches amongst others.
Other uses
Plumpy'nut is a peanut butter-based food used to fight malnutrition in famine stricken countries. A single pack contains 500 calories, can be stored unrefrigerated for 2 years, and requires no cooking or preparation.
A common, simple outdoor bird feeder can be made by coating a pine cone once with peanut butter, then again with birdseed.
Peanut butter is an effective bait for mouse traps.



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